The Sweet Surprises® Bouquet was created to spread love and caring kindness wherever it might be sent! Hot pink bi-colored roses and hot pink and pale pink mini carnations pop with their blushing hues, arranged amongst the clean white petals of traditional daisies and lush greens. Presented in a clear glass vase, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement brings a fresh excitement to your special recipients day, whether it is sent for a special occasion, such as a birthday, or simply to let them know how much you care.
Flower Care
Check out our Flower Care page for essential tips on helping your flowers last longer.
Please Note
99% of the flower arrangements on our local site are Dottie B Florist originals custom-created by our in-house floral designers.
Flowers, containers, and additional gift items may vary by season and availability. However, rest assured that our team will make sure your flower arrangements and gift items are presented beautifully at the time of pick-up or delivery.
Delivery Area
We deliver throughout Northeast Florida from Fernandina to St. Augustine and everywhere in between.
Outside of our local delivery area? We deliver nationwide through our trusted network of partnering florists across the country. Click here to shop for national products.