3 Dozen Roses Peach

Item # 333
3 Dozen Roses Peach
3 Dozen Roses Peach
3 Dozen Roses Peach
3 Dozen Roses Peach


Show your appreciation with the gift of three dozen long stem peach roses. Arranged with baby's breath and greenery, this stunning bouquet displays a feeling of togetherness.

A great selection for any occasion.

Approximately 28" W x 23"H

Please Note

99% of the flower arrangements you see on our local site are Dottie B Florist originals that have been custom created by our in-house floral designers.

Flowers, containers and additional gift items may vary by season and availability. However, be rest assured that our team will make sure your flower arrangements and gift items are presented beautifully at the time of pick-up or delivery.

Delivery Area

We deliver throughout Northeast Florida from Fernandina to St. Augustine and everywhere in-between.

Outside of our local delivery area? We deliver nationwide through our trusted network of partnering florists across the country. Click here to shop for national products.


Yes, make it extra special!

3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add 3 Birds of Paradise
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add Assorted Truffles
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add a Mylar Balloon
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add a Plush Animal
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add a Box of Chocolates
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add a Balloon Bouquet
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add 3 Roses
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add 3 Mylar Balloons
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Add 3 Daisies
3 Dozen Roses Peach
Feather Butterflies

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